Peaceful Parent, Confident Children
The Premises
As we grow our children grow.
Personal growth and self-awareness is vital as our children tend to grow proportionate to our growth.
Parenting is relationship.
Through our relationships we learn self-awareness, through self-awareness we further enhance all relationships.
Let go of right or wrong and seek understanding.
All children and parenting situations are unique, there is no one right over-riding answer.
Emotions are not good or bad.
Our emotions can inform us of our thoughts, fears and intentions. Emotions do not have to be linked to behaviour.
Love is our access to wisdom and truth.
Love consciousness shifts our perceptions and connects to our logical mind and intelligent heart.
We get what we allow.
Raising the standards for ourselves and our children of mindful communication positively impacts the relationship.
“The relationship that you create with your child profoundly affects your child’s confidence and inner peace.”