Peaceful Parent, Confident Children
The End Goal
To parent from a state of calm unconditional love and acceptance that does not change regardless of whether you are acknowledging wonderful behaviour or you are disciplining inappropriate behaviour
One of our primary goal is to treat all behaviours as a gift, an opportunity to learn and grow from. As we grow deeper in love-based thoughts and feelings, we are able to let go of the negative triggers in our lives, those fears and insecurities that produce judgments, doubts, and conditional love or controlling behaviours. Observing all parenting events as opportunities to learn, we become less fearful, and to become fearless is the goal. We become calmer, centered and connected to love-based principles by practicing the following:
Truth-Wisdom-Love become the guiding principles and light that we receive and give. We see with clarity the reality that is unfolding at any moment in our life. Then we can share unconditional love in a selfless form of service to others. As others grow, we grow, which allows our level of service to extend.
We also learn and are nurtured through acts of unconditional love from others, yet adversity and conflicts can birth an internal well of unconditional love that comes from within. Eventually this self-love becomes indestructible to outside forces. Thus, our primary goal is fulfilled as we learn and grow from every relationship and event. This goal is further enhanced when without hesitation we desire to do the loving thing, during trying times. To choose to do what our hearts tell us is the right action in the moment, not rationalizing to avoid the fear and the perceived pains. These lessons in unconditional love and life are provided through human interactions, through relationships. Relationships, raw, genuine and insightful or muted, medicated and superficial, give birth to our soul evolution. Either way we are going to learn eventually. As masters often share, “we will all meet our lessons on the road that we take to avoid them.” So, let’s buckle up and choose the road that challenges our soul to grow in its commitment to authentic relationships. In that commitment, we truly honor our children.
Parents do not have the monopoly on relationships. Yet if you want that opportunity to learn, to sink or swim, then parenting is definitely a challenging route to self awareness. Near-drownings are unavoidable and they provide us the motivation to love our kids even when the sea of life is wild and unpredictable.
Lots of our behaviours are on automatic pilot well before we became a parent, teacher or coach we devised strategies to avoid fears and pain, to increase the likely hood of obtaining what we wanted. These strategies to obtain our preferences were often fear based and involved less than truthful communication with ourselves and others. As we operate more from the Soul Triangle our initial focus can be on extending real respect in all directions.
One of our primary goal is to treat all behaviours as a gift, an opportunity to learn and grow from. As we grow deeper in love-based thoughts and feelings, we are able to let go of the negative triggers in our lives, those fears and insecurities that produce judgments, doubts, and conditional love or controlling behaviours. Observing all parenting events as opportunities to learn, we become less fearful, and to become fearless is the goal. We become calmer, centered and connected to love-based principles by practicing the following:
- Detachment, we don’t get dragged into the drama.
- We don’t take things personally, our happiness is not deterred by external events.
- Focus on observations rather than judging, let go of the notion that we are in the know.
- Discernment of the truth rather than making assumptions. We no long overlay situations with our interpretations based on our filters or prejudices. We acknowledge that everyone perceives life in their own unique way.
- Despite our fears, we can do the loving thing rather than the easy thing. Confidence follows courageous actions.
Truth-Wisdom-Love become the guiding principles and light that we receive and give. We see with clarity the reality that is unfolding at any moment in our life. Then we can share unconditional love in a selfless form of service to others. As others grow, we grow, which allows our level of service to extend.
We also learn and are nurtured through acts of unconditional love from others, yet adversity and conflicts can birth an internal well of unconditional love that comes from within. Eventually this self-love becomes indestructible to outside forces. Thus, our primary goal is fulfilled as we learn and grow from every relationship and event. This goal is further enhanced when without hesitation we desire to do the loving thing, during trying times. To choose to do what our hearts tell us is the right action in the moment, not rationalizing to avoid the fear and the perceived pains. These lessons in unconditional love and life are provided through human interactions, through relationships. Relationships, raw, genuine and insightful or muted, medicated and superficial, give birth to our soul evolution. Either way we are going to learn eventually. As masters often share, “we will all meet our lessons on the road that we take to avoid them.” So, let’s buckle up and choose the road that challenges our soul to grow in its commitment to authentic relationships. In that commitment, we truly honor our children.
Parents do not have the monopoly on relationships. Yet if you want that opportunity to learn, to sink or swim, then parenting is definitely a challenging route to self awareness. Near-drownings are unavoidable and they provide us the motivation to love our kids even when the sea of life is wild and unpredictable.
Lots of our behaviours are on automatic pilot well before we became a parent, teacher or coach we devised strategies to avoid fears and pain, to increase the likely hood of obtaining what we wanted. These strategies to obtain our preferences were often fear based and involved less than truthful communication with ourselves and others. As we operate more from the Soul Triangle our initial focus can be on extending real respect in all directions.
“The relationship that you create with your child profoundly affects your child’s confidence and inner peace.”